Thursday, February 18, 2016

My opinion on mobile learning

Mobile learning can be very beneficial to the classroom and student understanding. However I find that it is important for the use of technology to monitored and used in moderation. There are so many great Apps out there that allow for learning assistance, creating slide shows/ books/ interactive PowerPoint/etc. It is great because it allows for students to get more involved with hands on learning. But lets consider that especially with younger children it can often become a distraction or be hard on the eyes after some time. As teachers its important to utilize the tools we are given, and with this day and age technology is becoming almost essential to reaching students educationally. Yes, technology can enhance learning and make it more dynamic. Something to be weary about though, is knowing when its boosting student learning and when its taking away from student learning and understanding.  Like everything else,  using apps and technology within the classroom has a time and place, but it shouldn't be a constant within the classroom. I believe that the use of things like apps/ ipads and other forms of mobile learning is good as a TOOL to assist you as a teacher in your teaching. Mobile learning shouldn't be the main thing that is the staple of a classroom.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Reflection #2

Digital Tools Evolving to Track Students' Emotions, Mindsets by Benjamin Herold
    The idea of creating a program that brings new understanding to the concept of tutoring to the home and the classroom sounds like an excellent and fascinating idea, especially because it seems like it could be accessible to a wide range of students. It also seems like the concept could be very beneficial to young elementary students and how the program would interact/ respond to their emotional responses. The article discusses the opportunity of developing computerized tutoring systems, in which several organizations are working on developing a program that meets the needs of the student. For example the MIND research institute are hoping to create a, ”software that would be able to recognize each student's strengths and weaknesses across each of those domains, then provide a steady stream of customized problems based in part on such factors as a student's capacity to keep trying to solve new challenges.” But still at this time their research focuses more on the mind and character traits of the typical 2nd grader. A program like this could majorly shape student learning and better evolve student tutoring. I love how the article makes the point that, "The idea is that emotions have a powerful influence on cognition.”  It’s a strong statement that I completely agree with.  If you think about it from the perspective of a child working on their math homework, when they come across hard problems  their frustration and anger can influence/effect their ability to look for other ways to solve it. With the concept of a program that acknowledges strengths, weaknesses, and human emotion, the program in concept could sense the frustration and better help the student to problem solve and bring down frustration. Frustration too often can stunt critical thinking and a student’s ability to openly learning. As a future teacher I am actually excited for the idea of this program and its possibilities to reshape and enhance tutoring.  The article seems to be more directed towards mostly #4(Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making) and some of #5(digital citizenship) of the ISTE standards for students. The concept of a computerized tutoring program allows for students to problem solve, manage and complete tasks, to analyze information and to make cognitive decisions of what’s correct, and the possibility of seeing problems and solutions from differing perspectives. This program in time could possibly be a lifelong learning tool that can be used at any age and encourage a more positive use of technology.

Reflection #1

A reflection on The child-driven education  by: Sugata Mitra

     The TED talk video with Sugata Mitra, discusses an experiment he did in South Africa, Italy, and New Delhi (India). In this experiment, he gave children access to computers and the web on their own time, and he would ask them questions of what things were, he would give them a program on basic biology all in English, etc.  These children were left to figure out the answers for themselves and were given the opportunity to self-teach one another. The results of this experiment was pleasantly shocking. These children went beyond what was expected of them in terms of educational comprehension results. Two things that were stated in video that really caught my attention were: 1.) A teacher that can be replaced by a machine should be (4:20) 2.) If children have interest then education happens. (4:30) Though I agree with both statements, its worry-some to me because it seems as if it’s already starting to happen where machines are replacing teacher aspects. To me teaching is about more than just reading from a book, giving homework and tests because even a machine can do that. Teaching is about the connections whether it be teacher student connection, or connecting the material given and how the student can comprehend and relate it to their life. A good teacher makes material understandable for multiple learning styles, they make personal connections with their students to show they care for each child’s education and want to see them succeed, and to create a safe environment where education and learning is fun and captures the interest of the students; a computer can’t do those things. Interest is truly what sparks education, because without it the desire to want to learn and comprehend isn’t there. The idea of Sugata’s experiment possibly being implemented in countries around the world is great for areas that don’t have access to good teacher’s and many materials. It’s good because it allows for children to have access to knowledge and information where things are limited and it won’t stump their learning. However I still believe that a good teacher is an asset that needs to be held on to, and something we desperately need more of.  In terms of ISTE standards, the experiment connect most with #4 critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. Which shows how these children use critical thinking to discover information, to solve problems ( like using google translate for language barriers),and discovering decision making  by working together and creating tasks for one another to research.